All are encouraged to join in the Green Clearing events which resume next week. Come help care for the trees on this beautiful property. The dates are the first Thursday of every month – July 7th, August 4th, September 1st, and October 6th. The group will meet at 6:30 pm in the parking lot of Amberley Green. The first activity will be to remove the invasive honeysuckle from the river birch and pine tree beds that were worked on last year. With more participants, these work sessions will further enhance the Green. An added reward is making new friends from the community while contributing to the restoration of the trees. Please join the team! No sign-up required.
July is dog licensing month in the Community City. All dogs over the age of 6 months are required by law to be licensed in the town of residence. A valid rabies certificate must be on file and a spay or neuter certificate presented at the time of a new dog registration. The fee is $19.00 or $8.00 for a spayed or neutered dog. Questions regarding licensing may be directed to the Town Clerk's Office.
With move-out and graduation occurring this week, please try to assist us with the recovery of all reusables such as furniture, clothing, food, etc. Various drop sites are located throughout the city. We ask that you please take advantage of these sites to help the local needy, assist in keeping the city clean and help reduce your extra trash cost by using these various organizations. Athens City Code Office 28 Curran Drive 740-592-3306. Trash Routes Move-Out.docx Move-Out 2011 Landlords.doc Move Out 2011.docx