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Today is Friday, December 13, 2024.

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Click to expand/collapse  DISTRIBUTION LISTS

       *Text Alerts (Sign up for text alerts right to your cell phone. See instructions above.)
       City Council (Get meeting notices and agendas for upcoming City Council meetings.)
       Emergencies and Alerts (Be notified about snow closing and other emergencies and alerts.)
       Newsletter (Get the City Newsletter electronically. Faster than mail.)
       No Email Members (This is a new list that I'm testing with that would go to push notifications only because nobody should be a member of this list.)
       Quarterly Economic Development Newsletter (Sign up for our informative newletter)
       Recreation Programs (Get updated information on our recreation programs.)
       Street Closings (Get notifications of all planned street closings.)
       Zoning Review Board (Get meeting notices and agendas for upcoming Zoning Review Board meetings.)

Click to expand/collapse  BID POSTINGS

       Administration and Finance (Administration and Finance Departments)
            Electronic Bid Support (Administration and Finance Departments)
            Laptop Computers (Administration and Finance Departments)
       Parks and Recreation (Parks and Recreation Department)
            Maintenance Equipment (Parks and Recreation Department)
            Playgound Equipment (Parks and Recreation Department)
       Public Works (Public Works Department)
            Signage (Public Works Department)
            Vehicles (Public Works Department)

Click to expand/collapse  JOB POSTINGS

       Administration and Finance (Administration and Finance Departments)
       Full-time (Full time work (40 hours per week))
       Parks and Recreation (Parks and Recreation Depratment)
       Part-time (Part-time work (less that 40 hours per week))
       Permanent (Permanent Position)
       Public Works (Public Works Department)
       Temporary (Temporary position)


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