Deer-related traffic accidents typically peak at this time of year, and the Community City Public Safety Department urges you to be extra careful at this time. The Ohio Department of Transportation offers the following driving tips to help avoid collisions with deer: If you see a deer near the road, expect that others will follow. Watch for deer near roadways especially at dawn and after sunset. About 20 percent of crashes occur in early morning, while over half occur between 5 p.m. and midnight. After dark, use high-beams when there isn't oncoming traffic. This will illuminate deer eyes, allowing more time to react. Always wear safety belts and drive at safe, sensible speeds for road conditions. Watch for deer crossing signs and drive with extreme caution, especially in posted areas.
The Annual Uptown Tree Lighting will be held on Thursday, December 3rd, 2009. Santa Claus will be arriving by fire truck in front of he Athens County Courthouse at 6 PM. Bring your children and enjoy an evening of fun and holiday joy with area business owners and carriage rides along Court Street! There will also be horse and carriage rides along Court St. on December 10th, 12th, 17th and 19th.