Is it true that the Town has placed cameras around the lake... and what is the reason for this?
Yes. The Lake Operations Department has deployed some motion-activated cameras at a few points around the lake where we've had reports of no-wake violations. Boat operators that are pictured at wake-generating speed are sent a warning letter reminding them of the idle speed requirement in coves and within 75 feet of shore. The Marine Commission and Lake Advisory Board support this program as a means of improving the safety and enjoyment of the lake.
How can citizens get appointed to the town's boards?
Openings come up frequently. If you would like to apply for one of the town's boards, you may fill out an application at any time. These may be picked up at the town hall or downloaded from our website. Citzens can contact the town clerk for more information.
What is the population of Lake Lure?
The year round population is approximately 1,068. The in-season population is about 10,000.
How big is the town of Lake Lure?
It's about 14.7 square miles
Does Lake Lure have a school?
Yes, Lake Lure Classical Academy is a Challenge Foundation Academy (LLCA-CFA) that opened in 2010. It is a tuition-free public charter school open to all North Carolina students. It serves grade K-12 The curriculum utilizes the Core Knowledge Sequence, a detailed outline of specific content to be taught in language arts, history, geography, mathematics, science and fine arts. The high school program offers a rigorous college-preparatory classical curriculum that prepares students for a lifetime of critical thinking, self-motivated learning, and active citizenship. School website
What are the nearest airports around Lake Lure?
Atlanta, GA (ATL) about 207 miles
Asheville, NC (AVL) about 25-30 miles
Charlotte, NC (CLT) about 92 miles
Donaldson Center, Greenville, SC (GYH) about 50 miles
Greenville-Spartanburg International, SC (GSP) about 39 miles
Other public-use airports near to the Town of Lake Lure:
Marchman Field, Rutherfordton, NC about 18 miles
Hendersonville, NC about 19 miles
Fairview, Landrum, SC about 21 miles
What are the nearest hospitals to Lake Lure?
St Lukes Hospital, Columbus, NC about 14 miles
Rutherford Hospital, Rutherfordton, NC about 16 miles
Pardee Hospital, Hendersonville, NC about 18 miles
Park Ridge Hospital, Fletcher, NC about 20 miles
The town also has a full service medical park on NC Highway 9 next to Ingle's Supermarket and across from Donald Ross Nature Trail.
What is the average temperature in the Lake Lure area?
December 39 degrees
January 36 degrees
February 39 degrees
March 46 degrees
April 54 degrees
May 63 degrees
June 70 degrees
July 74 degrees
August 72 degrees
September 66 degrees
October 56 degrees
November 47 degrees
Did Donald Ross really design the Lake Lure municipal golf course?
We can't say for sure. For many years, local lore has attributed the design of our 1920's era course to the renowned Scottish course designer Donald Ross. However, we've never found any records substantiating his involvement. Tales have been handed down through generations in Lake Lure about his well-publicized visits, about missing blueprints, disputed payments after the crash of '29, etc. Here's what we do know:
1) There are numerous documented references to the course being designed and constructed by Wayne Stiles of the firm Van Klek and Stiles, This firm was engaged by the Chimney Rock Mountains company that designed and built the lake.
2) We have documentation that professional golfer Walter Hagen visited Chimney Rock Park and the Lake Lure golf course while it was under construction. Hegen was president of the Pasadena links in St. Petersburg, FL, another Stiles-designed course.
3) It is quite likely that Donald Ross would have visited the Lake Lure course during its construction, been photographed there and could have even offered his suggestions. He was working on several courses in the region in the late 1920's and all of the developers at the time maximized their opportunities to get publicity with celebrities.
4) The layout and play of the Lake Lure course bears many of the hallmarks of the Donald Ross style. Whether or not Ross was directly involved, our course gives today's golfers an enjoyable challenge and the Donald Ross experience.
Where do residents of Lake Lure and Chimney Rock Village get their drinking water?
Our water comes from a series of wells located in different areas of town. We also get water from Chimney Rock Village which has a huge artesian well.
What is the bubbling in the lake that I see in several areas of Marina Bay at the public beach?
Those are Aerators installed in the lake bed near the beach to keep the water clean and circulating. Because the water is shallow there, it's important that the water does not become stagnant there.
When was the dam built?
It was built during 1925 & 1926.
What is the size of the lake and is it manmade or natural?
The lake is manmade. It covers approximately 1.15 square miles, or about 812 acres.
Can I fish on Lake Lure and do I need a permit?
Yes, you can fish in the lake and streams, but a North Carolina fishing license is required. Don't forget to buy trout stamps, which are also required for creek and river fishing.
In Lake Lure and surrounding streams of the Hickory Nut Gorge, you will find rainbow trout, brown trout, large mouth bass, small mouth bass, crappie, white bass, catfish, bluegill and sun perch.
The maximum number and minimum size of trout, bass and crappie that may be taken from Lake Lure is as follows:
Trout: A limit of 5 per day, per person; all must be no less than 15 inches long.
Bass: A limit of 5 per day, per person (total bass)
Largemouth bass must be no less than 16 inches long
Smallmouth bass must be no less than 14 inches long
Crappie: A limit of 20 per day, per boat; all must be no less than 10 inches long. It is unlawful to use basket trot lines or other stationary or unmarked devices, other than poles and those items normally used by sport fishing, for the catching of fish in the waters of Lake Lure.
Is there really a sewer system in the lake? Is that safe?
Yes. It's a uniquely engineered design that was installed in the 1920's before the lake was filled. Over 50 manholes were placed around the perimeter of the lakeshore, each leading to a system of large cast-iron pipes that are mostly buried in the lake bed. The system collects wastewater from over 600 homes and businesses and directs it to the sewer treatment plant just east of the dam. It's an elegant solution for the mountains because it utilizes gravity and the wastewater cannot leak into the lake--the pressure of the lake water prevents anything from escaping the pipes. As the pipe joints deteriorate, however, lake water does leak into the system. In 2010 and 2011, a team of commercial divers sealed all the accessible joints and eliminated over half a million gallons a day of lake water leakage.
Where can I swim in Lake Lure?
One of the most unique aspects of our community is our beach at the lake, surrounded by our beautiful mountain range. The beach is open from Memorial Day to Labor Day and is a great way to spend a hot summer day. It also includes a water-park, picnic area and a nice, covered shelter for rent.
Bear in mind that it is unlawful (and unsafe) to swim in Lake Lure off the shore of any town-owned property, except at the town-owned beach. No person shall swim farther than 50 feet from the shore of Lake Lure, unless accompanied by an observer in a boat, or it is a marked-off area permitted by town regulations.
What are the main rules I need to know for boating on Lake Lure?
The link below will provide you with the full list of all rules concerning boat usage on Lake Lure. But the most important rules to know are as follows:
Your boat permit has to be displayed on your boat.
Remember, a no wake, (idle speed) is required when you are in any of the lakes coves, within 75 feet from shore, within 75 feet of other boats and within 100 feet of a public safety boat while emergency lights are in use.
No wake is also required from 7 pm to 7 am October through April and from 9 pm to 7 am from May through September.
Children under 13 have to wear a life jacket, also known as a personal flotation device.
Only two people at a time can be towed behind any boat and both must wear a personal floatation device.
Are you in a rented boat or one supplied with your rental home? Your permit does not allow any towing, skiing or tubing. Once your boat is underway, everyone must stay inside the boat and its railings.
Remember to use your docking lights only while docking your boat.
Only beer and wine are allowed on your boat. No fortified wine or spirituous liquors. All NC Laws pertaining to public consumption of alcohol are enforced.
No trespassing on private property, docks or boathouses.
No swimming is allowed from town-owned land or in the Washburn Marina Bay.
What are the hours of operation at Town Hall?
Our hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM. Review the online calendar to see when the office is closed for holidays
Where is Town Hall located?
The street address is: 2948 Memorial Highway, located next to the Visitor's Center and Morse Park. The mailing address is P.O. Box 255, Lake Lure, NC 28746
Where is the Lake Lure Police Department?
The police department is located in the same building as Town Hall
The police department is located next to Town Hall, in the same building. The street address is 2950 Memorial Hwy. To contact the police department, call 828-625-4911.
Should a commissioner not vote on a question where there is a perceived conflict of interest and they might benefit from the outcome
Commissioners in North Carolina have a duty to vote and cannot excuse themselves or be excused from a vote unless there is a conflict of interest as narrowly defined: "A direct, substantial, and readily identifiable financial impact on the member. This means it isn't enough that a commissioner owns property that might receive an indirect benefit from a decision (such as in a re-zoning issue). The only time they should not and cannot vote is if financial payments to them (or their spouse) would result from a decision of the council. Examples include: town contracts with the commissioner or a company owned by the commissioner. It would not include re-zoning or classification of property even if those decisions indirectly enhance the commissioners property value.
How do I go about honoring or memorializing a loved one in one of Lake Lure's town parks?
In order to control the proliferation of memorials on town property, individuals
seeking to commemorate individuals, businesses, pets, etc. have the opportunity to purchase an engraved brick to be placed in the existing memorial
walkway in Morse Park Gardens. The fee is $200 per brick. This covers the cost of materials, engraving and placement by town employees. When a larger project is
being undertaken, such as a bridge, shelter, or other structure, names of
contributors can be placed on an individual plaque by or on the structure. Contact Town Hall at 828.625.9983 to make those arrangements.
What can we do to discourage bears around our property?
Build sturdy enclosures for garbage cans to make it difficult to tip them over
Make cans as bear-proof as possible (heavy lids and latches)
Wash and disinfect cans frequently with vinegar
Keep an open container of vinegar in the garbage area.
Put out garbage on collection day rather than the night before. Review this informational flyer for additional information:
Managing Bears
How do you manage excessive noise in town limits?
The Town has strengthened its noise ordinance and enforcement, particularly targeting loud, illegal motorcycle mufflers. These incidents represent a small, but ever present percentage of all of our visiting motorcyclists and they spoil both the tranquility of the area and the reputation of the overall motorcycle community that is courteous and respectful of others.
Motorcyclists are welcomed and valued visitors to the Town, but the noise ordinance addresses and enforces as unwelcome the loud mufflers that disturb the peace of others.
The town strives to respond, address and represent the rights and privileges of all citizens and visitors, not just a few.