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Welcome to the Village of Wauconda, IL, Service Request System (SRS)
Today is Sunday, October 6, 2024.

WARNING! Please do not use this form to report issues of an emergency nature or for conditions requiring an immediate response. If your issue is an emergency, please use the telephone and dial 911.

Customer Feedback on Village Services

Purpose:If you have recently interacted with the Village, such as with the Police Department, Public Works, Community Development Department, or Administration/Finance Department, please feel free to provide any comments or suggestions regarding the service you received. Thank you for any feedback you provide on Village services.

Note:For major complaints regarding the Police Department, there is a separate process for reporting these types of complaints. For more information, please contact the Police Department at 847-526-2421.

* Information is required.

Contact Information

* First Name:
* Last Name:
Business Name:
* Daytime Phone: (
* Address:

* Describe your question or comment below.
Attach a Picture or File (max size: 30MB):
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* Information is required.


Upon submitting a request, you will receive a tracking number which may be used to follow up with your request at a later date. If an email address is provided, you may choose to receive a copy of your request via email which includes this tracking number.

Information we receive may be considered public information which is subject to disclosure under current state law.

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