Purpose: Use this form to report possible violations of the property maintenance code.
Note: Please put your contact information below and then provide information about the issue you are reporting.
* Information is required.
Contact Information
Location of Property with Violation
Please select the closest street number/street name of problem location from list or select "*not on list". Note: if address is not on the list, property may not be in Wauconda. Provide any additional information on problem location in the box below.
The address you entered does not match any in the system. You can select a valid address from the list, or if you are certain the address you entered is correct click the "Use the address I entered" button, to continue.
Upon submitting a request, you will receive a tracking number which may be used to follow up with your request at a later date. If an email address is provided, you may choose to receive a copy of your request via email which includes this tracking number.
Information we receive may be considered public information which is subject to disclosure under current state law.