Does Somers have a Dog Pound?
Yes -- located on Egypt Road -- Contact Animal Control Officer Eric Boucher at 860.763.0623.
Who do I call to report a dead deer or other animal on the road?
If on a State road (Main Street, South Rd, Springfield Rd, Hall Hill, Turnpike, Bilton from the prison entrance to Enfield) call the CT Department of Transportation at 860-623-4473.
If on a Town road, call the Public Works Department at 860-763-8234.
When is a building permit required?
A permit is required for all work that is not considered normal repair or maintenance. Call the Building Department at 763-8220 for more information.
Who can apply for the permit?
Either a licensed contractor or the building owner can apply for a permit.
Is there a cost associated with a permit application?
Yes: permit fees are assessed based on the value of the work covered by the permit.
When is a licensed contractor required?
A licensed contractor is required for all permitted work, except that the owner of a single-family, owner-occupied residence is allowed to do any work within his or her residence that is regulated by Building Codes.
What happens if work is done without the required permits?
Work that is completed without permits can cause difficulty when selling or refinancing your property. It can also lead to insurance claim losses if the loss is directly related to the work.
What happens after the permit is issued?
Inspections are performed for compliance with applicable Building Codes. No work is to be covered until it is inspected. Contact the Building Department at 763-8220 for a schedule of required inspections.
How long does it take to receive a permit after the application is submitted?
Permits are usually approved within 2-5 days. Permits that involve approvals from other Land Use departments (i.e. Health, Zoning, Wetlands) can take longer.
Where are you located and how do I get there?
Town Hall is located at 600 Main Street, Somers, CT 06071. Directions (from Hartford): Interstate 91 North to Exit 47E, you are automatically on Route 190E, continue for approximately 7 miles, look for intersection of Route 190 and Route 83. At the intersection is a traffic light. Continue on Route 190E, the Somers Town Hall is the third building on the right. Parking is available in the rear of the building.
Does Somers have trash pick-up?
No, Residents may contract individually with a vendor or use the Recycling Center. Please see Recycling Center for more information.
Do you have maps of Somers?
Mail-A-Maps for the Town of Somers are available in the Town Clerk's Office.
Are State Forest Trail Maps available in the Town Hall?
No -- Information is available from the Department of Environmental Protection's website at
Where do I get a burning permit?
Permits are issued from the Somers Fire Department located at 400 Main Street, Somers, CT 860.749.7626. The fee for a permit is $25.00 which is valid from September 1 thru May 31. Checks may be accepted at the Fire Department, Land Use Dept or the Town Clerk's office. Cash will be accepted only at the Land Use Dept or Town Clerk's office.
Does Somers have any records on-line?
Assessor Cards are available at the Town has a GIS system linked to Assessor Records. Tax records are available and payments may be made on-line. Land Records are on-line through a subscription with Cott Systems.
What are the Library's hours?
Monday - Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday & Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday - Closed
When can I come to the Resident Trooper Office to be fingerprinted?
Any Somers resident in need of fingerprinting for State or Local Applications can have this completed at the Somers Resident Trooper's Office. Fingerprinting services are available on Wednesday's between 12:00 noon and 3:00 pm. or other arrangements can be made by calling the Office at 860-749-4955.
The fee for fingerprinting is $15.00 by check or money order payable to the Treasurer - State of CT. No cash accepted
Town of Somers residents can also be fingerprinted at the State Police Barracks - Troop C in Tolland 7 days a week located at 1320 Tolland Stage Road, Tolland, CT. The times for Troop C are promptly at 7:00 am. 3:00 pm. and 11:00 pm.
The fee for fingerprinting is $15.00 by check or money order payable to the Treasurer - State of CT. No cash accepted
How do I obtain a copy of an accident report?
Accident reports can be obtained online from or by calling 860.685.8250 or locally at 860.896.3200 and Press 5 when prompted.
All other police reports can be obtained online at or by calling 860.685.8250.
What are the new restrictions on teenage driviers?
The following restrictions will be in place for 16 and 17 year old drivers who obtain their license on or after 8/1/08.
They cannot be operating a motor vehicle between 11pm-5am unless they are traveling for employment, school, religious activities, medical neccesity or enrolled as a driver for a registered Safe Rides program. For the FIRST six months holding a driver's license a 16 or 17 year old may only have a parent/gaurdian OR driving instructor as a passenger in the vehicle.
For the SECOND six months holding a driver's license a 16 or 17 year old may additionally transport members of their immediate family. Sixteen and 17 year old drivers may not use a cell phone, INCLUDING hands free or any other electronic devices while driving at any time. This list in not all inclusive of all restrictions. For detailed information including penalties please visit the State of Connecticut Teen Driving Website.
How can I obtain a pistol permit?
All applicants must first complete and pass a Certified NRA Pistol Class. A pistol permit application and instruction sheet may be downloaded from the Town of Somers State Police page. Fingerprinting is conducted on specific days. Applicants should bring with them all necessary paperwork and checks when going for fingerprinting. The State Police office will accept the information and forward to appropriate authorities for processing.
How can I research the residences of convicted sex offenders?
State of Connecticut Sex Registry at the following:
Where is the Post Office and what is the Telephone Number?
Somers Post Office, 26 Battle Street, Somers, CT 06071
Somersville Post Office, 28 Maple Street, Somersville, CT 06072
Who is responsible for which roads in Town?
CT DOT East Windsor (860-623-4473): Bilton Road (RT. 404) from the prison entrance to Enfield, Hall Hill Road (RT.186), Turnpike Road (RT.528), Springfield Road (RT. 83 North) from Main Street (RT. 190) to East Longmeadow, Main Street (RT.190) from Enfield to the Center of Town.
CT DOT Vernon (860-875-4993): South Road (RT 83 South) from the center of Town to Ellington, Main Street (RT.190) from the center of Town to Stafford
All other roads are maintained by the Town of Somers Public Works Department (860)763-8234.
How many miles of road are owned, maintained and plowed by the Town?
89.80 miles of roads.
How many full time employees are in the Highway Department?
One Highway Foreman, One Crew Leader, and Two Maintainers.
How do I know if a tree I want work done on is on Town property or my property?
A typical Town road right of way is 40 to 50 feet wide. As a rule-of-thumb, 20 to 25 feet from the center of the road will give an idea as to where the Town's right-of-way ends. The only way to know for certain, is to find the property pins.
If you'd like to have a tree evaluated, fill out a tree request form found here:
Do you need a permit for a Tag Sale?
Yes -- Permit to conduct a Tag Sale may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office during regular Town Hall hours. The fee is $5.00 per day.
How do I get a license for my dog and what is the fee?
Dog licenses cost $8.00 for spayed or neutered dogs and $19.00 if they are not spayed or neutered. Proof of a current rabies vaccination and proof of spaying or neutering is required at the time of licensing. Regardless of when the license is purchased, it expires on June 30th of each year.
Where can I get a copy of my Birth Certificate?
The Somers Town Clerk's office can issue certified copies of birth certificates if:
1. The mother resided in Somers at the time of the birth
2. The child was born in the State of Connecticut
3. The fee for a certified copy of a Birth Certificate is $20.00
Birth records are not open for public inspection in accordance with section 7-51 of the Connecticut General Statutes. You may request a copy of your own birth certificate, your child's, your spouse and your parents. Grandparents can also request a copy for their grandchildren.
If I live in Somers, but I am getting married in Rocky Hill, where do I apply for my marriage license?
Marriage licenses must be obtained from the Town in which the marriage will take place. Both Bride and Groom must apply in person and the fee is $30.00. Once the license is issued, the license is valid for 65-days. Call 860.763.8207 with any questions.
What are the hours of the Town Hall?
Monday thru Wednesday 8:00 am -- 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:00 am -- 6:30 pm
Friday Closed
Is there a fee at the Recycling Center?
$50.00 per vehicle renewed annually
When is the Recycling Center Open?
The Recycling Center's hours of operation are:
Monday, Thursday, and Saturday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday 11:30 am to 4:00 pm.
Closed holidays and due to inclement weather.
What is the cost for items brought to the Recycling Center?
Recycling Center Fees Effective July 1, 2024
Annual Sticker: $50.00. Annual stickers are valid from July 1 to June 30
*All Vehicles must display a valid sticker*
Household Trash (MSW) Free
Recycling Free
Refrigerators, Air Conditioners & Freezers-Any Size Free
Dehumidifiers Free
Coil Type Mattresses & Box Springs are Free; Foam type is by the pound
Electronic Waste (Televisions, computers, monitors, printers) Free
Leaves NO GRASS Free
Brush Trees, shrubs, and branches. NO STUMPS Free
Rugs (Depends on size); $5.00+ each or (per ton) $200.00
Bulky Waste; (C/D, furniture, pallets, wood fencing…) (per ton) $200.00
Automobile Batteries (each) $5.00
Tires: Auto (each) $5.00
Truck (each) $10.00
Tractor (each) $50.00
Please consider methods such as yard sales, charity donations, posting on, local bulletin boards, or newspapers to dispose of unwanted items.
When and where can household hazardous waste be brought?
For 2024:
Manchester Transfer Station, 321 Olcott Street, Manchester, CT. 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
March 16th, April 20th, May 18th, June 15th, July 17 (evening event) 3-7 pm, August 17th, September 21st, October 19th and November 16th.
Saturday, October 5th, 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Stafford Highway Garage, 210 East St (Rt. 19).
Where do I register to Vote?
Town Hall -- Registrar of Voters Office -- Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Town Hall -- Town Clerk's Office on Monday thru Wednesday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm; Thursday, 8:00 am - 6:30 pm, Closed on Friday
Register to vote on-line through the Secretary of State's Office at the following address: