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Welcome to the Miami Township, OH, Action Line
Today is Saturday, December 14, 2024.
WARNING! *Stop Signs receive immediate attention from the Service Department. For service call (513) 248-3728 (Business Hours), or the Communications Center at (513) 732-2231 (Non-Business Hours) immediately. *** WARNING! Please do not use this form to report issues of an emergency nature or for conditions requiring an immediate response. If your issue is an emergency, please use the telephone and dial 911.
Pothole / Road Repair Request

Purpose. Use this form to contact the Service Department to report any concerns you may have with the Township's roads, right-of-ways, cemeteries and parks.

* Information is required.

Contact Information

* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Email:
Daytime Phone: (
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* ZIP:

* Location of the complaint/request
Nearest intersection
Nature of the complaint/request
If this is a pothole, what is the current size?

Special Circumstances

Attach a Picture or File (max size: 30MB):
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Check here to have email confirmation of this submission.

* Information is required.


If you send us a message, you will receive a Tracking Number allowing you to follow-up with your request, at your convenience.

Internal Use Only, Leave Blank:
Please leave this field blank and remove any values that have been populated for it.

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