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Welcome to the Miami Township, OH, Action Line
Today is Monday, February 10, 2025.
Application for Public Assemblage on Township Streets & Public Places

PLEASE READ AND ACKNOWLEDGE BELOW The purpose of these rules and regulations are to establish criteria and procedures for the regulation of public assemblages on Township streets, highways and public places, in accordance with Section 4511.07 of the Ohio Revised Code.

DEFINITIONS: (1) Public Assemblage - A temporary gathering of persons assembled together at any location at a single time, which is open to the general public and organized, produced or sponsored by a person or persons; is not ordinarily conducted on a daily or regular normal average use basis as a lawful use of the premises upon which such event is to occur; cannot be held completely within the confines of a building(s) on such premises; and for which event the number of persons attending will at any time exceed the maximum occupancy of the building(s) on the property or will substantially exceed the normal patronage and traffic otherwise attending such premises. Such assemblies include, but are not limited to, parades, block parties, festivals, carnivals, athletic or contest tournaments, picnics and fairs. (2) Person - means any individual natural human being, partnership, corporation, firm, company, association, society or group. (3) Public Places - shall mean any of the streets, sidewalks, curbs, parks, and any other lands dedicated to the use of, or owned by this Township

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: To obtain a permit for public assemblage, the applicant must complete the application below along with a map of the area indicating the street(s) to be closed. Applications must be received no later than ten (10) business days before the event date. The Township Safety & Services Committee shall review the application for completeness and appropriateness of the request. Upon review of the application the Township Safety & Services Committee shall consider the nature of the event and the ability of the Township to provide essential safety services to the participants of the assemblage and the affected area of the Township. If the Township Safety & Services Committee determines that the assemblage can safely be permitted, a permit will be issued to the applicant. The Township Safety & Services Committee may establish a fee for the permit upon review of the application. The permit fee shall be paid before a permit is issued and the Township Safety & Services Committee may impose any necessary conditions upon the applicant that are necessary to provide for public safety. If the public assemblage cannot be safely permitted, a permit will not be issued. A decision to issue or not issue the permit shall be made by the Township Safety & Services Committee within seven (7) business days following the receipt of the permit application. Interested persons including the applicant and Township residents affected by the parade or assemblage may appeal a decision of the Township Safety & Services Committee concerning the issuance or non-issuance of the permit. The Board of Township Trustees will schedule a hearing upon any written appeal filed at their next regularly scheduled Trustee's meeting to determine whether a permit shall be issued.

CRITERIA: In determining eligibility for a permit, the following conditions apply: Any person or group sponsoring a civic, governmental, charitable, religious, or other non-commercial activity may apply for a permit. The Township will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, handicap, or political affiliation. In cases where two or more persons or organizations desire the issuance of a permit for the same date and same location, preference will be given in accordance with the following: 1. First, to persons or organizations sponsoring the event who are residents of Miami Township. 2. Second, to persons or organizations sponsoring the event whose headquarters is in Miami Township. 3. Third, to events that are for a bona-fide charitable purpose. 4. Fourth, to events for a governmental purpose. 5. Fifth, to all other events.

LENGTH OF PERMIT: All permits shall be for a stated period of time and may not exceed 24 hours. No public assemblage may begin before 6 a.m. and must conclude no later than 11 p.m.

PERMIT ON DISPLAY: The person or organization sponsoring the event shall have the approved permit on display at all times or readily available for inspection.

FEES: For purposes of processing the Application, the sponsor of the public assemblage may be required to pay a fee of up to $250. The Township Safety & Services Committee shall establish the fee based upon the amount of planning and preparation time involved in the event. The sponsor of the public assemblage may be required to reimburse the Township for all extra expenses incurred by the Township for providing police, fire, emergency medical services and/or other services to the public assemblage.

NOTIFICATIONS: The applicant shall be responsible to make notification in writing to all residences and businesses on the street(s) to be affected by the proposed public assemblage not later than the date of filing of the application for the public assemblage. For block parties, the applicant must present a petition with the application showing signatures from at least 75% of the affected households on the street where the event will take place. For events involving fireworks (special permit required), live or recorded music, announcements or speeches played outdoors over an amplified sound system the applicant shall be responsible for making written notification of the event to all residences and businesses within a one thousand foot radius of the event site not later than the date of filing of the application for the public assemblage. ACCESS MAINTAINED: No grills, tables, booths or other large physical object may be placed in the street in a stationary position during a public assemblage. The applicant and/or sponsoring organizations shall be responsible at all times to assure access to the street and all buildings on the street by emergency services personnel or vehicles.

COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: The issuance of a permit does not relieve the applicant, sponsoring organization nor any participant of the responsibility to comply with any other law, resolution, rule, or regulation.

INSURANCE: The Township Safety & Services Committee may require the sponsor or applicant to provide general liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 from an insurance company satisfactory to the Township. The insurance shall name the Township as an additional insured. The decision of the Township Safety & Services Committee to require a sponsor or applicant to provide general liability insurance will be based upon the type of event, number of participants, relative risk and the location of the event.

HOLD HARMLESS: The sponsor shall hold the Township harmless and indemnify the Township for any damages and all damages incurred by the Township in association or as a result of the event. The applicant shall be required to sign a hold harmless agreement with the Township in which said agreement shall indemnify and hold harmless the Township for any and all damages incurred by the Township as a result of the event.


1) By completing and submitting this form, I understand that the permit fee, if any, will be established after the review of the application by the Township Safety & Services Committee.

2) Permit fees, when required, must be paid prior to issuance of the permit.

3) I have been provided a copy of Miami Township Rules and Regulations for Public Assemblages on Township Streets and Public Places. I have read and understand and I agree to abide and to be bound by these rules and regulations.

4) I understand that this permit does not give me permission to violate any laws, resolutions or codes and that I may be held responsible in the event of a violation.

5) I agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the township, its officers, employees, and agents against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages, expenses, claims or actions, including attorney's fees which the township, its officers, employees and agents may hereafter sustain, incur or be required to pay, arising wholly or in part due to any act or omission of its agents, servants or employees, in the execution, performance or failure to perform my obligations pursuant to the terms and conditions of this permit.

6) Permit Applications filed less than 10 working days before the event will not be approved.

* Information is required.

Contact Information

* First Name:
* Last Name:
Business Name:
* Email:
* Daytime Phone: (
Fax: (
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* ZIP:

* Have you notified all residents affected by the assembly and street closings before applying for this permit?

* Organization Name (If applicable)
* Event Name
* Date of event
* Start time (note: no event can start before 6 a.m.)
* End time (note: all events must end by 11 p.m.)
* Location of event (note: you may be asked to provide us with a detailed map of the event)
* Type of event
* Estimated number of participants
* The event will include: (please check all that apply)

* Will alcohol be sold?

If alcohol is to be sold, please provide your Permit Number (note: a seperate permit must be obtained to sell alcohol)
If you will be using fireworks, please provide the Permit Number (note: a seperate fireworks permit is required)
* Please provide a list of what streets -- or section of a particular street -- will be closed for this event
* Acknowledgement: I have read the rules and regulations set forth at the top of this form and agree to abide by them.

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* Information is required.


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