The City of Georgetown Electric Utility Department is accepting bids from qualified firms for the repair/replacement of a garage roof located at their facility at 800 Church Street in Georgetown, SC. The low-slope roof is approximately 5,400 sq ft in area and some of the wood decking and blocking will require replacement to repair existing holes. Contractor will provide permits, insurance, and materials as detailed in the Scope of Work. For more information view the attached documents below under Download Available.
Sealed bids must be submitted no later than 2:00 pm on Tuesday, February 9, 2016. These bids must be hand-delivered or mailed to Alan Loveless at City of Georgetown Electric Utility Department, 800 Church Street, Georgetown SC, 29440. Faxed or e-mailed bids will not be accepted for any reason. No pre-bid conference will be scheduled for this project. Contractors may arrange a pre-bid site inspection by contacting Alan Loveless at 843.545.4600, or